
Brown line

RWF recognizes that the cost of neglecting the rural poor are consequential when compared with the cost of intervention. This is why RWF's main areas of intervention are in the following areas:


Women and Agriculture Program (WAAP)

This includes the provision of services on innovative techniques in agriculture (extension). Formation of groups (Group Dynamics). Provision of agricultural inputs. Training, Marketing and Market Linkages. Production and Enterprise Planning and Management/development (EPM).

Women and Health Program (WAHP)

Counselling and training on Reproductive health issues, HIV/AIDS project of Compassion (APC), Hygiene and Nutrition, and other related health programmes that will be of benefit to the rural women and that would not hinder their productivity and income.

Women and Girls Education (WAGE)

This is a very important area that gives the women confidence and enhances empowerment. Women and the girl-child are provided with educational and literacy programs, mentoring and skills development to enable them regain their self-esteem, become role models as well as partners in development.  Some of the activities in this program area include the Girls Education and scholarship Program (GEASP), Peace building and Tolerance Education, Adult Literacy Program (ALP) and Summer Camping activities.

Women and Business Program (WABP)

This program encourages income generating activities which includes Enterprise Planning and management (EPM).

Microcredit Schemes (MCS)

Under the micro-credit schemes, RWF facilitates loans to selected families in selected communities to enable them embark on defined businesses. 

RWF Newsletter-”Women Empowerment”

RWF through its newsletter - Women Empowerment - which will be produced electronically every 3 months, will be used to publish information about the organization's activities, as well as information about other organizations and donors with whom RWF collaborates. 


This is a cross cutting activity that is implemented throughout our various projects. Empowerment for Peace and security and on main streaming/the Rights of women, etc.


With Governmental and other NGO's with similar objectives for effective results.


RWF intends to open its first orphanage centre in Ukpo, Anambra state in 2015.  Preliminary discussions have been held with the community gatekeepers and a land allocated to the organisation to build the orphanage centre. RWF intends to raise funds through its fund raising activities in order to facilitate the construction of the orphanage centre.  The initial foundation for this orphanage and conference centre will be laid in August 2014.

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There are many ways you can help us to make a difference. The Nigerian rural poor are depending on you. Please make a donation and help us help the women and children of Nigeria.


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Sponsor a Child

This is a new RWF project. More information will be published shortly.

RWF Head Office

Suite 104B BPM Plaza
Plot 402
Cadastral Zone A02
Nouakchott Street
Old Neighbourhood Centre
Wuse 1, Abuja